The Plaza and the Bookstore
Jay Lehman
It started bizarrely
It didn’t seem right
To sing in the morning
Instead of at night?
Sing before noon?
On a blazing bright day?
In a small Plaza Market?
That’s where we’ll play?
Well, o.k., it’s all right
That sounds kinda’ fun
We’ll sing for a while
And then we’ll be done
Then we started to sing --
Try anyway
I’m not sure what you’d call
What came out that day
It sounded like mooses
Putting on their own opera
Or a Japanese Monster flick
Like Godzilla or Gamera
We were sick, we were foul
Every sound came out fully
Like a thick, knotted rope
Through a broken down pully
Sounds like a cow
With bad salmonella
We completely bit
The big one a cappella
Please, Mr. please
I don’t want to stay
Don’t make me keep singing
I don’t want to play
No one is listening
No one’s inspired
Please let me go home
I’m getting so tired
I began to dream
Of disasters could happen
One little tipped bicycle
Or a car-wreck distraction
On the street near the entrance
We’d would treat it like tender
A perfect excuse for us all
To surrender
Ah, to grab the equipment
And retreat like in Gaza
And never return
To this morning Plaza
But no, there we were
In a row without rally
Chained to our mics
Like a slaves in a Galley
Please, Mr. Please
Let us all run away
I don’t want to sing
I don’t want to play
I can’t wait for that final
Downbeat to stop
Can we get out of here
Before we all drop?
OOH – we’re stinking so bad
That we couldn’t win
A Jr. High talent show
With the Judge full of gin
Though I had to admit
As we stood there not stopping
A kind of peace settled in
While we were flopping
We all became punchy
As each song hit the tubes
There’s a definite peace
When you’re totally screwed
It’s not a salvation
It’s not a real sin
And since nobody cares
Everyone wins
Why are we tanking?
- Our voices all quaver -
Oh, for a good show
One we could all savour
But the last depressent
The nail in the coffin
Was a kind, older gent
Who started a’ talkin
‘You know the movie "Titanic"?’
He began his request
‘Can you do the Main Theme?’
‘No,’ (‘And still keep our respect.)’
But now another gig
Is what we gaze towards
Like a frog in a headlight
We have to look forwards
Oh goody, oh joy
A great opportunity
To sing some more
Like in service – community
Yes, our friends Barnes & Noble
Will greet us with skill
As we sing in their book store
And great coffee mill
Please, Mr. Please
Let’s call it a day
Don’t make us sing
Don’t make us play
I don’t want to have to
Go through this, and how
So shoot us all dead
We don’t mind – do it now!
We got their with spirits
(And other things) low
‘All right, let’s just sing
We’ll do it, then go’
We gritted our teeth
And set down our mics
And started to hamonize
For the parents and tikes
We tried to forget
All the feelings we were bucking
Then low and behold –
We started not sucking
The notes were all coming
We could hear our own voices
Each part was working
Even all our song choices
We were joking and laughing
And enjoying the sound
And the people all stopped
When they all came around
They forgot all their books -
All those bibliophiles -
Soon, so many people
In so many isles
And what’s that strange sound
I could hear, like strapping?
It’s the sound of one hand
And another both clapping
‘Oh, my God!’ I thought
As we sang "Zombie" jive
‘How strange to sing to people,
Teeny-boppers sat down
On the floor and were awed
Though their ice cream cones
Made it tough to applaud
It’s fun! At last!
The notes aren’t stinking
We’re a group once again
And each of us thinking
But the best part came
When the young ones appeared
First the Babies in strollers
Then Toddlers endeared
They jammed and jumped
And boogyed and swayed
Some needed some help
From their parents, but hey  
Their faces told us -
Every girl, every boy -
That in fact we were causing them
Nothing but joy
What a boost, what a gas
What a hoot, what a time
Here’s a show to remember
And was it ever sublime!
It saved the whole day -
This second of gigs
Our spirits stopped bleedin’
Like half-slaughtered pigs
We wailed and crooned
With soul and with style
And sang for the singing
And it wasn’t so vile
Please, Mr. Please
Thanks for saying we’re fine
But we want to stay
I know it’s the time
But let us stay here
Where our voices are ringin’
All the people are laughing
And diggin’our singin’
Sure, there was lots to say
Either way
But we’ll always remember
Two gigs in one day.


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