
This page showcases some of the feedback we've received in the past year. It has been carefully screened to provide you with a non-biased and accurate opinion of us. Names have been withheld to avoid lawsuits.

"I heard positive comments all over the stadium, and I add my personal "bravo" for the national anthem.It was a rare treat to hear it sung well." B.

"The new guy is very cute (this coming from the standpoint of a pseudo-mature woman looking at an enthusiastic young man, tho' were I 18 I'd surely say the same thing, and mean something entirely different." K.

"Bruce!  Your whole family has been subsumed by the vortex of Catacoustic Groove!" A.

"If somebody is feeling down and out and then hear YOU sing and jam, one is lifted with energy.  I could have listened to you all night!" L.

"I've been listening to this Devo cd and one song, "We're Through Being Cool", made me think of you guys." S.

"There will be nothing ordinary about this wedding - and you guys would just put the capper on it." T.

"Keep singing, good luck with your day jobs." S.

"I think that proper avid-fan/groupie etiquette is that I start tossing undergarments at
the singers?" K.

"You all have a wonderfully great spirit, tons of spunk....and great hats!" K.

"OK, Bruce, would you Please GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!" K.

"Dear Catacoustic Groove, I love your sogs! thay ware trific. exspesle wen you sage the Liycing. you ware grate good-bye." J.

"I like your noisy soings." A.

"If I were only three years old or so, I would've flung myself back in a
swoon on Friday night too, just like that little girl." K.

"I bought your CD for my eight year-old son and he was totally thrilled. He put it in the CD player when we got home and listened to it for over an hour, which is longer than he's ever been able to go without picking on his little sisters." A.

"Sure wish I knew someone in the radio world to get some playing time for you." K.

"I think I have a crush on all of you ... could be problematic." K.

"I really enjoyed the jungle song because it reminded me of when I was in kindergarden." T.

"The music you guys played reminds me of my dad because my dad listens to that music." R.

"You're all so cute!" L.

"I knew you guys were good, but I didn't know you were that good!" J.

Want to add to our collection? Drop us an e-mail at!

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